Is the grass greener on the other side?

11/04/2014 — 4 Comments

Isn’t life funny sometimes?

When we think, life is better on the other side or somewhere else?

We hear friends fantastic stories, we see their holiday snaps on Facebook, we learn of better paid jobs, the nicer bosses, the better and much calmer parents… and sometimes… a small part of us wishes our life was better, like theirs.

I have wished that… I see their holiday snaps and think, why am I not on holiday?  (I confess, I am one of those avid holiday photo sharers on Facebook.)

It could be easy to feel down when comparing your life with others, that seem to have everything, do everything, get paid more and work less, have a better house and more well-behaved kids… but do they really?

Context is everything.

Judging from a distance and typically out of the true context, everything would seem better on the other side.  While I wish I took more holidays (who doesn’t?) life is pretty good.  From today – I am going to focus less energy on comparing my life with others because in reality – it is not fair, accurate or even worthwhile.

I have learnt, to stop looking over the fence.  Imagine the growth if I concentrated on my own patch and my own aspirations.  I will no longer be driven by wanting more (whatever more is) by comparing myself with others.

I have learnt, to be thankful and celebrate what I have now.

I have learnt, the grass is always greener, on my own side.  Time to get back into my garden.


The grass is greener, on your own side.








4 responses to Is the grass greener on the other side?


    Hear hear! I read a stat that people who spend most time on Facebook are unhappier precisely because they keep seeing the highlights of everyone else’s lives! Most people go to FB to showcase their life. It is the edited highlights, not the real thing 🙂


    You are right.

    Also, some of the happy people are not really happy. They appear happy. I made a vow to only pick role models and then apply their successful methods, not envy them 100%.

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