Archives For 30/11/1999

birthday, business, Hub Marketing, The Hub, The Hub Marketing Communications

Happy birthday Hub!

You are probably looking at my photo and thinking… seriously, she looks a bit older than nine… (only a bit, surely!) 

This year my marketing business, The Hub celebrates its ninth birthday.

On 10 February 2005, I sat down at the computer for the first time, without a secure job, as The Hub Marketing Communications. I started with one client, the spare room as the office and one staff member (ok, he was my dog, let’s just say mascot).

Interestingly, at the very same time I started officially wearing the entrepreneurial hat, others were doing the same – YouTube began and the Huffington Post was launched.

Other events worthy of mention in 2005 – the largest known dwarf planet in the solar system, Eris, was discovered. There was the landing of the Huygens probe on Saturn’s moon Titan. The movie, Catwoman won the 25th Golden Raspberry Awards. Steve Fossett became the first person to fly an airplane around the world solo without any stops and without refueling. Tiger Woods won the 69th Golf Masters Championship.

Clearly, The Hub was in good company.

In a professional sense, much has changed since the advent of The Hub. Social media and digital platforms began and changed the face of marketing and communications. Dependent on your attitude (and control issues) from a business perspective you might think it’s the worst thing since the Catwoman movie. Or like me, consider the significant opportunities these platforms create for business.

We have grown from one person and one client, to a team of ten with more than 40 clients Australia-wide. Who would have thought? Actually most people know I have a 15 year plan – I am a bit like that. I even planned the timing of the birth of my first child.

From a personal perspective, I had a few milestones myself, with the most notable being getting married, having two children, finishing a couple of degrees and publishing a book. It is amazing what you can get done in only a few years!

Through all this, The Hub and I have happily and steadily evolved, innovated, changed and grown. I’m a big believer in not growing the fastest or being the biggest, this doesn’t drive me. What drives me is partnering with exciting inspirational leaders wanting to achieve exceptional results in whatever sector they lead.

We are inspired by these people. We like working with them in helping them achieve their goals and at the end of the day, this drives our team.

inspire, business

To inspire is great!


Throughout our nine years a couple of things haven’t changed.

My vision, of being the most sought-after marketing communications firm. The other being my first ever client is still with us.  Brian Leyden, it is good to have you still with us after so many years.

Here’s to the next exciting nine years.


PS – for more Hub news, check it out here